The writer mentioned Jeffrey Marsh. I saw him on Twitter. Anyone who doubts the essential sickness of “trans” can watch any of his videos and will be enlightened. His sickness is palpable and his creep factor is off the charts.

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Thank you, this video was enough …who needs more barf inducing ones?

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Judith Butler — philosopher, writer, menace - ahahahaha. Great line. And excellent article. Interesting how many “queer theorists” believe that indoctrinating children is necessary for their revolution. They want children at the forefront, as useful propaganda objects. Otherwise, they could care less about them or their wellbeing.

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Outstanding essay, Kitty! You deserve a medal for having waded through so much filth. Hoping for a return to the practice of keeping the insane behind lock and key .

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Really ! How can you have the guts to wade through this filth? The German words are “ Schmutzige Scheisse!

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thank you sm!! & same here 😭

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Thank you for this article.

And indeed, I read it with increasing horror. I wonder, am I allowed to translate it into German? It would be well needed.

Take care,


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Absolutely, please do! Thank you so much for the support!

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Ich kann Deutch sprechen . Aber dies ist zu schmutzig! Warum muss man es űbersetzen?

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It's such a shame that all this intellectual talent was wasted on "queer theory." Famous last words, but still. If they can't simply dive into their emotions enough to realize that it's all simply emotional aberration rather than dooming themselves to it, I think a whole lot of people would be better off.

They're literally glorifying what people call mental illness, which is really just bad beliefs and false paradigms. It'd be nice if they took that "in the womb" thing to its obvious conclusion, though. In fact, I think they're right about everything: They are indeed "queering" things, because without "queering" things, things wouldn't be "queer" (which can happen ambiently, as well; doesn't make it any less of an aberrant behavior).

And finally, they aren't questioning things, because if they actually were, they would see an easy, logical, and hard answer.

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It is definitely insanity ! In past years when we had asylums for people like that, they would be in there with those who claim to have been born as Napoleon. Born in the body of Napoleon ! 🤪🤪

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Even having people around like that to me is fine, but the way they have been substituted for actual truth is just revolting.

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I greatly appreciate you going into the origins of queer theory. As a Gen Z I have entirely grown up in an age of Queer Theory and have been trying to work out how it got to the point whereby I was totally normalised into queerness by my teens. It seems Queer Theory is much older than me, much older than I had realised, it had been bubbling under the surface a long time beforehand, and had already set it’s claws into society by the time I was able to start comprehending the world. Illuminating, but also horrifying for me.

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thank you so much for your comment! I’m sorry that you were affected by this so profoundly at such a young age. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what they want. Keep reading, learning, and forming opinions for yourself. It’s the only true rebellion against ideological indoctrination.

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Hitler knew that indoctrinating kids was the best way to capture them!

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You just know that the first draft of Gayle Rubin's queer wheel included a "consensual-rape" segment, before she figured that there was only so far the envelope could be pushed.

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*writes diddler* *crosses it out and replaces it with man who loves underage youth*

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“Consensual rape”?it just shows the low level of intelligence! Makes as much logical sense as “ non-binary”! God , what utter idiots these jerks are!

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Next : “consensual murder”!!

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This is the face of insanity ! Gender and queer and trans does NOT belong in a classroom! She is such a fake ..a hateful creep with a smile! This is the face of evil . Cringeworthy crap!

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Lock her up! In an insane asylum!

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