These guys want to compel speech to validate their lie.

It's not surprising to learn that they struggle to be honest about anything.

Great work dismantling his deceptions.

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thank you!!

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Why do you even spend your time engaging with anyone in the gender cult? Cults always lie , and showing their lies does nothing to convince other cult members. I admire your patience . We need to expose these lies from sure, but it needs to get out more to the general public, many of whom are totally clueless on this, especially since the main stream media is so in line with this cult.

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What speech is being compelled and how?

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Forcing someone to use someone's "preferred" pronouns is compelled speech.

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But no "force" is being used. You have as much right to misgender as you do to call someone a jerk.

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For now. Look to countries like Canada and Scotland for where America could be headed next, and even NY state.

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Victims of rape have had to refer to their rapists as she/her in court.

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Yes, yes I have.

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That was awesome rebuttal.

You may also consider that this person is a persistent confabulator and dismiss everything they say outright, saves time. One or two examples of delusion are sufficient, and a humorous spin makes it hard to rebut.

The trans delusion creates a surprisingly large world of confabulation, and the moment the lies begin, everything they say can be dismissed. Facts are irrelevant. Likewise a correct assertion on their part is like a broken clock - it’s correct twice a day.

Delusional confabulation is so powerful that you see insistence on, for instance, a man having a cervix or menstrual cycles, or that gay men are transsexuals because of their “gender” non-conforming behavior.

It’s actually worse than lying. They actually believe they are right. Liars only want to deceive.

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I agree 100% . The problem is that many people are forced into supporting their lies or they lose their jobs! This is a cult like no other in that it has ruined so many lives, not only those of children but also those who say the truth!

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I remember the first time I spoke to a trans person around 1980. They explained to me that they had the body of a man but felt like a woman.

The poor little logic part of my mind said “you cannot know what it feels like to be a woman any more than you could know what it feels like to be a starfish” and it popped out my mouth.

Argument ensued but I had a secret weapon.

My father was a rank alcoholic, and mother bipolar. I long ago realized when someone is delusional, it’s not necessary to spend an iota of energy in discussion with the delusion. It only exhausts you and cannot dislodge the fantasy.

When the lies start, you know there is no “truth value” to what is being said, any more than Alice in Wonderland, they are in a fantasy world which has rules you can’t fathom.

In resonance, you should make sure you are in good shape, ignore them, and try to keep them from hurting you or themselves through delusion.

So, as I met trans on and off through the years, it was always the same story. I found it most productive to imagine them a version of unrehabilitated alcoholic.

They feel like a woman, they have the mind of a woman, they have the wrong body, their gender or their spirit or soul or whatever is different from their sex, it has nothing to do with sex & etc.

An alcoholic can’t control their desire to drink, a trans cannot control their dislike of their sex. That dislike subsumes all thought into confabulating, a willful pretense that there is a logical reason for their dislike, anymore than there is a logical reason for alcoholism.

My father “became” an alcoholic because his first wife died a miserable death of pancreatic cancer. Because his best friend committed suicide after being outed as gay in the state department in the 50’s. Because he lost his job after being pursued by MCarthy and the House un-American Activités Committe, because his younger brother died of diabetes as a teenager, because his mother sent him to a workout during the Great Depression, because [fill in the blank]. He became an alcoholic because he was incapable of controlling his urge to drink, until he learned how to do so.

Some trans learn to regulate the dislike of their sex, some don’t and alleviate the pain of being their sex by pretending they aren’t their sex, their mind or brain isn’t of their sex, by removing evidence of their sex, but they know that no matter what they do, they will always be the sex they are.

It’s an endless loop.

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Thank you for this detailed rebuttal.

But I wager that there be more reaction to your use of Reed’s actual sex (“he”) than everything else combined.

He is an utterly vile man, whose advocacy has likely ruined hundreds of lives.

And bodies.

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Sadly , and he is not the only one !

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You can't have a trans-circus without clowns - and wow do we have clowns!

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And very mean clowns!

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It's the Insane Clown Pussies! :)

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thank you so much!! I really appreciate the support!

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I just saw the full quote about the liver tumors on another 'stack:

>“Pt found to have two liver masses (hepatic adenomas) — 11x11cm and 7x7cm — and the oncologist and surgeon both have indicated that the likely offending agent(s) are the hormones.”

Really, it's more horrifying than either you or reed said - this poor person has masses the size of a grapefruit and an orange clinging to her liver. "Benign" does not mean "fine" -- having a softball and a baseball stuck inside your abdomen certainly doesn't sound like a pleasant thing to experience, to put it extremely mildly. Heck I've got a little pea-sized benign lipoma a bit under the skin on my upper back & even that gets irritated from rubbing against clothes etc...

One of my bigger takeaways from getting a BS in chemistry was "don't f*ck with hormones - seriously, DO NOT f*ck with hormones." Fascinating that benign liver tumors are apparently a known frequent result of hormonal birth control & yet I've never seen that mentioned. Not your wheelhouse, but it's terrifying & deeply wrong that women are going on these medications at higher & higher rates while men increasingly refuse to so much as wear a condom for their part. Screwing with hormones is *never* a free action and is often the furthest thing from it.

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Thanks for correcting Errorin' In The Morning, Kitty. This asshole's fake news story ranks near the top of Google's search results which says a lot (or not) about Google's attempts to downrank bad information. Then again, who has time to fact-check *everything* these entitled dicks claim?

It took you weeks to do this. I guess it takes more time to do some *actual research* as opposed to just making stuff up as soon as a big-ass report on you and your friends you don't like comes out.

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Dead at Errorin’ in the Morning 😭

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As a linguist, I feel I should know or have the means of finding out what words mean, but I am left frankly perplexed by “clitoral necrosis” in reference to male patients having undergone vaginoplasty. Is the ill-fated clitoris a "neo-clitoris", formed (pure guess-work now) from the head of the penis?

If so, I am not at all surprised that such a small pseudo-organ would die or simply "fall off". A real clitoris (including the internal parts that one can neither see nor directly touch) is a substantial bodily structure, though unlike the penis, most of it is kept tidily packed inside (though having said that, our penises wouldn't "work" without all the internal paraphernalia either).

If I, as a grammar nerd (and a gay man, to boot) know that, then the gynecologists, urologists or general surgeons performing such operations must be perfectly aware that they are selling their clients (I cannot bring myself to write "patients") a "pig in a poke".

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I have to admit, "clitoral necrosis" is a phrase I hope NEVER to see or hear of again.

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It's basically gangrene of the clitoris, which sounds even worse (to my ear). But fear not! It is not a condition which even the most hypochondriac of (real) women needs to add to her worry-list. This is one of very few references to it which I was able to find outside of the field of "gender reassignment" and other cosmetic gynecological surgery: https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/freezing-genitals-trend-nitrogen-spa-gynecologist-says-no-dangerous-stop-it-7588691

Penile necrosis is *slightly* more common (though still extremely rare), and can occur in end-stage kidney disease and a few other conditions.

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Yeah, I'm not worried about it, I'm never doing anything weird to mine - and I wonder if anyone has ever experienced it from a clit piercing gone horribly wrong (I don't want to know if it has :) ) Thanks for the article. I'm going to save it, in case I need it in the future (for writing, not experience CN for myself, lol) but I'm not going to read it, at least not until I need it. I have the same reaction y'all have during that scene in An Officer And A Gentleman when Lou Gossett Jr nails Richard Gere in the balls...

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That sounds like a very healthy attitude. I freely confess that I lack both the metaphorical labia and the metaphorical balls to google "clit piercing gone horribly wrong", and I certainly wouldn't ask you to do so. It seems to me that something must have already gone horribly wrong in the mind/brain of a person who voluntarily has their clitoris or glans penis pierced anyway.

Both as a child and as an adult, I have had temporarily horrible but ultimately beneficial things done to my penis, for imperative medical reasons (starting with "why the fuck can't this baby piss?"). That may be one reason why I am so impatient with people who think we can play fast and loose with our genitals, as though that were like reshaping our eyebrows or dyeing our hair, but simple common sense sounds like another good reason.

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thanks Bev!

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Thank you for doing this series. It was an overwhelming task when I considered it and I know it required a lot of time and effort.

One thing to consider- if you use Erin's chosen pronouns (she/her), your piece could reach a much broader audience. I would love to show this as well as Part 1 to the people in my life who are trans supportive but still open. There are a lot of folks who think E.R. is a good resource despite that she engages in dishonesty, emotional manipulation, etc.

Those in the great middle (the ones open to greater understanding of the situation) often won't take an author seriously if they use pronouns that are contrary to what the subject (E.R.) has asked people to use. It's considered disrespectful and offensive. They won't take what you're saying seriously because you're framing your work in what is widely considered disrespectful.

I understand why you choose to use male pronouns and am only suggesting that you consider whether it is worth taking this stand in this specific situation, where doing so essentially limits your reach. The opportunity for change is bigger that what a lot of people think, but we have to be willing to compromise to get there. I really want to see change happen, so that's why I'm asking that you consider this approach.

Thanks again for taking the time to so thoroughly research E.R''s piece... looking forward to seeing more of your work!

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Exactly, it's not happening here. We have free speech. There is no force our compulsion. Private entities can make their own policies as the first amendment prohibits legal suppression of protected speech. However, respect is the easiest option. To clarify, respect is speaking respectfully to people. For example, I am not religious but I utilize proper honorifics when referring to religious leaders. I'm not suddenly a Christian or a Muslim, I'm just being respectful. Just like when I use a person's correct pronouns.

When an argument is made, regardless of reason, for disregarding an individuals identity, i.e. gender. One must consider the impact. If I request to be referred to as she and not he am I stating your identity or mine? If you honor that request out of respect are you condoning my identity or just being cordial? I'll give you a hint... it doesn't matter either way. You can say anything you want. Your choices change how you are respected. While respecting everyone results in the least amount of impact to you. Disrespecting anyone results in possibly being disrespected in kind by that person and anyone who observed the initial lack of decorum.

Furthermore, validating disrespect towards trans people by attempting to state they are delusional is a disproven tactic. The only authority on psychology is the psychology community. They establish standards and apply labels on behaviors which are categorized. Being Trans is not a categorically delusional status. It hasn't been categorized that way for many years. In fact the American Psychological Association in 2012 after 32 years of research, studies and clinical treatment deemed trans people not inherently ill or to have any disorder. While some trans people suffer dysphoria because of the incongruence between who they are and how they are perceived, they are not Ill. They are suffering a stressor with a mechanism of incongruence. It is therefore inaccurate and not supported in the psychological field to label them delusional. Also, to believe oneself qualified to assign a diagnosis without a psychiatry credential is in of itself a behavior that may require the services of said professional.

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