There's no such thing as "misgendering"! When I accurately point out someone's sex, it's simply a statement of fact. Bruce Jenner is a man, and he always will be.
If truth is offensive to them, that means they're delusional. That's on them.
Oh and they should BE KIND--don't swing your testicles around in girls' locker rooms LOL
I understand when people say this because you're probably thinking like a rational person (since you are), but the way I look at it is that using a name like Caitlyn and getting other people to say it is just another tactic of "be kind." If you break and accommodate that, then there will be no end to the demands they make.
If you're okay with calling a man Caitlyn because he thinks he's a woman--and that's the intention behind his demand--why can't you be okay with calling him "she"? Or letting him play women's sport? Or sending him to a women's prison after a crime?
It is never-ending. And it's intentional, part of a well-funded agenda meant to break everyone down with language, as the thin end of the wedge. Calling one person "they," saying "gender" applies to people--it all leads to the same thing.
So, because they expect it and because these men purposely pick these traditionally female names, I purposely go out of my way to call them their real male names. That is a reaction to their demands and a way to stop this whole agenda.
That is how I look at it. Trannies view this as a fight, and any accommodation (even the smallest) is a win on their part. Take their female names away, and it's a loss. That's why they fight so hard for them. I understand not everyone sees it this way, but this is how I view it.
True. Under normal circumstances calling someone by a new legal name would be no issue, but with the trans demographic it really is the thinnest part of the wedge (to paraphrase KJK). Give an inch, this group takes 100 000 miles.
I think Elliot Page will one day commit suicide or detransition. I think she's a deeply disturbed person. I call her 'she' not to be a bitch, but because she doesn't strike me as being at all male. She strikes me as a seriously emotionally messed-up person who transitioned because, I suspect, she hated being sexualized so much in Hollywood. I hope I'm wrong about her outcomes. I'd rather see her live, and if she ever really comes across as a male I'll switch pronouns for her.
I suspect she has some deep seated issues. Perhaps trauma related. Who knows, it’s not my business but the fact that she is in her mid thirties and refers to herself as a boy is somewhat disturbing imo. I’m sorry she is so unhappy.
I would like to suggest not using the term "TRA", which stands (as you know!) for "trans rights activist". These activists are not advocating for "rights" as usually understood, but rather for special privileges: the privilege to deny the truth of sex and gain access to spaces, organizations, events, competitions, etc, to which they have no actual "right".
I prefer "transifiers" or "transification activists". Even "trans activists", while a zillion times better than "trans rights activisits", gives them too much credit for doing something that sounds reasonable (even though it is very much not reasonable).
The transifiers are masters of language. We cannot let them set the rules for it, and must push back whenever and wherever possible.
I use "genderist" - a term which I consider to apply to everyone who upholds sex-based stereotypes as a purportedly fundamental part of nature, whether such a person considers themselves traditionalist or transgenderist, and whatever lengths they take those beliefs. The old guy who thinks girls shouldn't wear pants and the young mom who thinks boys who like pink should wear dresses, but who wouldn't on their own think of making such things a part of medicine or law, we might call mild traditionalists or mild transgenderists. We might then call WPATH & the Taliban "gender extremists."
For similar reasons I prefer to identify myself as a "biological realist" rather than as "gender critical": why define myself by something I am not, and disagree with, when I could define myself by what I DO believe in?
As a challenge to believers in "gender identity" delusions. Let them criticise my beliefs, on all the spurious grounds I'm so familiar with refuting.
Why should it always be me criticising theirs? Ceding ground to them, before even starting.
I don't like anything with "rights" in it. The predisposition in most people's mnds that "rights" is a good thing (because usually it is!) is too strong to overcome with adjectives, IMO.
But, I'm not invested in policing others' terminology, I just point out where I think it falls short, and leave it to them to decide what terms to use.
There’s a long history of “misgendering” men. Coaches and drill sergeants called their male subordinates “women” or “girls” as a performance-enhancing motivational tool since forever.
The idea that a male athlete or soldier would be so offended at being called a woman that they’d kill themselves as a result is laughable.
The whole topic looks like a “first world problem.” It’s all promoted by a bunch of sheltered, self-obsessed narcissists with no real problems in their lives.
Exactly. They have a nice home, food, water, entertainment, etc. It’s not like they’re living in some third world country where they have to walk miles to bring water home in jugs every day. Instead, they have plenty of time to create problems in their imagination.
I think established use of the term "woman" as an insult to men (whether hetero- or homosexual) fuels much of the narcissistic rage of trans-identified males in failing to get the validation they demand from females. Because even debasing themselves by identifying voluntarily as trans "women" does not get them the debased status they want, as a sacrifice in itself.
At a basketball game my TERF comrades and I were protesting with a banner that said "Protect female sports". This explains why several comments on X on a photo from the protest declared that we were men. Three of the four women involved were gender non-conforming lesbians and the forth was wearing her sons hoodie. That they say this about women, especially lesbians adds an additional threat of erasure, not just control.
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “let us refuse to say what we do not think!” I will call anyone by their preferred name, their choice, but I will not lie and call a man, she, or a woman, he. I am aware of only two ways that a person can actually be misgendered. The first is to call a trans woman a woman. The second is to call a trans man a man. Adopting superficial, stereotypical attributes of the opposite sex does not change one’s biological sex.
I am aware of only two ways that a person can actually be misgendered. The first is to call a trans woman a woman. The second is to call a trans man a man. You can’t change your biological sex.
OMG I love all of these. I'm your newest and biggest fan. (Maybe - I'm 6'1.") So glad to discover this fine collection. Looking forward to more. Thanks, Kitty.
You know, when I was a child, before my voice changes, I was frequently referred to (“misgendering” is a junk word) as a woman, and I thought it was funny. It happens all the time to pre-pubertal boys.
Last time I checked we’re not in a midst of a wave of pre-pubertal boy suicides.
Misgendering can only be a deep wound if you’re intentionally trying to be something you’re not. It hurts because it exposes you as a liar and it also demonstrates that you can’t successfully force everyone in the world to validate your lies. It’s an unwanted reminder that you’re being fake, and unfortunately the only solution for that is the very thing trans people avoid at all costs—to stop pretending.
It doesn’t work quite the same way on people who are not faking anything.
I don't think I've been 'misgendered' by a transactivist, but if I was I'd just find it funny. I don't fucking care what people think I am and what pronouns they use. Elsewhere my pronouns are 'hey/you'. When people *really* want to insult me they flame my looks. That's so lame. At 60 I don't fucking care if I measure up to scale on your wankmeter or not. I don't care if you don't find me wankable. I don't find you wankable either. I'm really pretty asexual these days. So the feeling is mutual :)
I DO care when people (and esp the mass media) misgender criminally violent men as female. No, we should NOT be dunned for properly referring to those who are AMAC (Assigned Male At Conception) as males. Especially since males commit most of the violent/sexual crimes and there's no difference in criminality between males who identify as males and cross-dressers. Go figger.
It shouldn't be an Orwellian thoughtcrime to refuse to go along with someone else's delusions. Although I have lifelong experience with 'alternative identities' as someone in a historical re-creation group (at one time), a Pagan, a belly dancer and, in the early days of the Internet, a sort of non-binary-sounding person when 85% of the Net was HNGs (Horny Net Geeks). I will go along with your fake medieval, Pagan, belly dancing, or online name, and even your new gender name, if I like you. All transwomen I have met are nice people so I go along with it. The one transman I know is nice so I go along with him too. Whatever makes your ticker flicker, as my late friend used to say, as long as I like you. Which means you're not a self-impressed, narcissistic, authoritarian little prick. Or bitch.
You can call me old, ugly, or fat and I don't care. That's not the way to get my goat because I know it's not true (well, maybe not the ugly or fat part, and I'm proud to be 'old' because not all of my friends got to live to my age ;) ) and because even *I'm* not sure what's the best way to get my goat. I've worked a lot on being non-triggered by assholes in the last several years. It still happens, but I lose a lot fewer friends now :)
Misgender, deadname, and if it makes you feel better, call me the Old Fat Ugly Bastard With A Tiny Penis ;)
There is no such thing as “misgendering “! There is only truth, but these transies are a bunch of liars from beginning to end. They want to control the language to control us. They know that language confer powers just like all dictators know this. So they make up words, like “ misgendering “ “ transphobe” ( like we’re afraid of transies?”) “TERFS “ for women who speak truth, “cisgender “ for normal people as if trans are the majority. None of these words have any meaning whatsoever, but they’ve been able to push these words onto our language, again, it gives them power.
They even sell T-shirts and mugs, which say “ Trans People are SACRED ! “ and “Transphobia is a Sin “ So obviously, they think they are gods. Not even Black people, or Jewish people ( the Chosen People ) say anything nearly as narcissistic.
The fact that they have been so heavily buttressed by trans humanism is scary. We need to fight back to stop this attack on truth and un reality.
Because they don’t try to rule it over anybody else . Trans ideology makes a big deal about their victimhood . For the most part , Black people don’t go on an and about victimhood.
There's no such thing as "misgendering"! When I accurately point out someone's sex, it's simply a statement of fact. Bruce Jenner is a man, and he always will be.
If truth is offensive to them, that means they're delusional. That's on them.
Oh and they should BE KIND--don't swing your testicles around in girls' locker rooms LOL
I think it’s ok to call him Caitlyn. Not that I have a problem with “deadnaming” per se. But Caitlyn is a he, just like Elliot Page is a she.
I’m reasonably ok with preferred names for the same reason. Human beings can change names, but they can’t change sex.
I do it on purpose to remind them they're men, they need it!
you’re a true warrior among us, Kat
I understand when people say this because you're probably thinking like a rational person (since you are), but the way I look at it is that using a name like Caitlyn and getting other people to say it is just another tactic of "be kind." If you break and accommodate that, then there will be no end to the demands they make.
If you're okay with calling a man Caitlyn because he thinks he's a woman--and that's the intention behind his demand--why can't you be okay with calling him "she"? Or letting him play women's sport? Or sending him to a women's prison after a crime?
It is never-ending. And it's intentional, part of a well-funded agenda meant to break everyone down with language, as the thin end of the wedge. Calling one person "they," saying "gender" applies to people--it all leads to the same thing.
So, because they expect it and because these men purposely pick these traditionally female names, I purposely go out of my way to call them their real male names. That is a reaction to their demands and a way to stop this whole agenda.
That is how I look at it. Trannies view this as a fight, and any accommodation (even the smallest) is a win on their part. Take their female names away, and it's a loss. That's why they fight so hard for them. I understand not everyone sees it this way, but this is how I view it.
y’all are making some #points
True. Under normal circumstances calling someone by a new legal name would be no issue, but with the trans demographic it really is the thinnest part of the wedge (to paraphrase KJK). Give an inch, this group takes 100 000 miles.
I think Elliot Page will one day commit suicide or detransition. I think she's a deeply disturbed person. I call her 'she' not to be a bitch, but because she doesn't strike me as being at all male. She strikes me as a seriously emotionally messed-up person who transitioned because, I suspect, she hated being sexualized so much in Hollywood. I hope I'm wrong about her outcomes. I'd rather see her live, and if she ever really comes across as a male I'll switch pronouns for her.
I suspect she has some deep seated issues. Perhaps trauma related. Who knows, it’s not my business but the fact that she is in her mid thirties and refers to herself as a boy is somewhat disturbing imo. I’m sorry she is so unhappy.
Good one!
It has made life easier to call a man a man.
Likewise never say genders, just say sex.
Crystal clear thoughts.
thank you for reading!!
I would like to suggest not using the term "TRA", which stands (as you know!) for "trans rights activist". These activists are not advocating for "rights" as usually understood, but rather for special privileges: the privilege to deny the truth of sex and gain access to spaces, organizations, events, competitions, etc, to which they have no actual "right".
I prefer "transifiers" or "transification activists". Even "trans activists", while a zillion times better than "trans rights activisits", gives them too much credit for doing something that sounds reasonable (even though it is very much not reasonable).
The transifiers are masters of language. We cannot let them set the rules for it, and must push back whenever and wherever possible.
I use "genderist" - a term which I consider to apply to everyone who upholds sex-based stereotypes as a purportedly fundamental part of nature, whether such a person considers themselves traditionalist or transgenderist, and whatever lengths they take those beliefs. The old guy who thinks girls shouldn't wear pants and the young mom who thinks boys who like pink should wear dresses, but who wouldn't on their own think of making such things a part of medicine or law, we might call mild traditionalists or mild transgenderists. We might then call WPATH & the Taliban "gender extremists."
Trans ideologists is what I call them. Or depending on the convo trans ideology cultists
I usually go with "trans ideologues".
Great point! I like transification activists.
For similar reasons I prefer to identify myself as a "biological realist" rather than as "gender critical": why define myself by something I am not, and disagree with, when I could define myself by what I DO believe in?
As a challenge to believers in "gender identity" delusions. Let them criticise my beliefs, on all the spurious grounds I'm so familiar with refuting.
Why should it always be me criticising theirs? Ceding ground to them, before even starting.
Very good point. I like "biological realist".
'Transification' activists is good but may be hard to get people to use. How about 'TMRAs' instead of 'TRAs'? Trans Men's Rights Activists'?
I don't like anything with "rights" in it. The predisposition in most people's mnds that "rights" is a good thing (because usually it is!) is too strong to overcome with adjectives, IMO.
But, I'm not invested in policing others' terminology, I just point out where I think it falls short, and leave it to them to decide what terms to use.
Agreed, it's not about rights, at least not in the sense they're normally understood. Trans activists seems reasonable to me.
Great point and I will follow your lead
There’s a long history of “misgendering” men. Coaches and drill sergeants called their male subordinates “women” or “girls” as a performance-enhancing motivational tool since forever.
The idea that a male athlete or soldier would be so offended at being called a woman that they’d kill themselves as a result is laughable.
The whole topic looks like a “first world problem.” It’s all promoted by a bunch of sheltered, self-obsessed narcissists with no real problems in their lives.
really good point!
Perhaps no real problems in their lives except their mental health and their narcissism.
Exactly. They have a nice home, food, water, entertainment, etc. It’s not like they’re living in some third world country where they have to walk miles to bring water home in jugs every day. Instead, they have plenty of time to create problems in their imagination.
They're not getting pushed out of windows like they are in Palestine and other parts of the Middle East.
I think established use of the term "woman" as an insult to men (whether hetero- or homosexual) fuels much of the narcissistic rage of trans-identified males in failing to get the validation they demand from females. Because even debasing themselves by identifying voluntarily as trans "women" does not get them the debased status they want, as a sacrifice in itself.
At a basketball game my TERF comrades and I were protesting with a banner that said "Protect female sports". This explains why several comments on X on a photo from the protest declared that we were men. Three of the four women involved were gender non-conforming lesbians and the forth was wearing her sons hoodie. That they say this about women, especially lesbians adds an additional threat of erasure, not just control.
Further proof why you shouldn't 'transition': It makes you go blind!!! ;)
Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “let us refuse to say what we do not think!” I will call anyone by their preferred name, their choice, but I will not lie and call a man, she, or a woman, he. I am aware of only two ways that a person can actually be misgendered. The first is to call a trans woman a woman. The second is to call a trans man a man. Adopting superficial, stereotypical attributes of the opposite sex does not change one’s biological sex.
The crux of the matter is TRUTH! Trans people are liars, so we shouldn’t be liars just to please their egos!
I am aware of only two ways that a person can actually be misgendered. The first is to call a trans woman a woman. The second is to call a trans man a man. You can’t change your biological sex.
Well said! Except that the term” misgender” is one that the gender cult thought up ! I don’t like to use any of their made up words!
It really just says more about them than it does about us, lol.
Truly a case of "Your maleness is showing!"
exactly 😭
OMG I love all of these. I'm your newest and biggest fan. (Maybe - I'm 6'1.") So glad to discover this fine collection. Looking forward to more. Thanks, Kitty.
Wow, thank you so much!! Your kind words made my day! <3
Great! You made my day and a half, ha ha. Since I discovered your Substack.
You know, when I was a child, before my voice changes, I was frequently referred to (“misgendering” is a junk word) as a woman, and I thought it was funny. It happens all the time to pre-pubertal boys.
Last time I checked we’re not in a midst of a wave of pre-pubertal boy suicides.
Misgendering can only be a deep wound if you’re intentionally trying to be something you’re not. It hurts because it exposes you as a liar and it also demonstrates that you can’t successfully force everyone in the world to validate your lies. It’s an unwanted reminder that you’re being fake, and unfortunately the only solution for that is the very thing trans people avoid at all costs—to stop pretending.
It doesn’t work quite the same way on people who are not faking anything.
I don't think I've been 'misgendered' by a transactivist, but if I was I'd just find it funny. I don't fucking care what people think I am and what pronouns they use. Elsewhere my pronouns are 'hey/you'. When people *really* want to insult me they flame my looks. That's so lame. At 60 I don't fucking care if I measure up to scale on your wankmeter or not. I don't care if you don't find me wankable. I don't find you wankable either. I'm really pretty asexual these days. So the feeling is mutual :)
I DO care when people (and esp the mass media) misgender criminally violent men as female. No, we should NOT be dunned for properly referring to those who are AMAC (Assigned Male At Conception) as males. Especially since males commit most of the violent/sexual crimes and there's no difference in criminality between males who identify as males and cross-dressers. Go figger.
It shouldn't be an Orwellian thoughtcrime to refuse to go along with someone else's delusions. Although I have lifelong experience with 'alternative identities' as someone in a historical re-creation group (at one time), a Pagan, a belly dancer and, in the early days of the Internet, a sort of non-binary-sounding person when 85% of the Net was HNGs (Horny Net Geeks). I will go along with your fake medieval, Pagan, belly dancing, or online name, and even your new gender name, if I like you. All transwomen I have met are nice people so I go along with it. The one transman I know is nice so I go along with him too. Whatever makes your ticker flicker, as my late friend used to say, as long as I like you. Which means you're not a self-impressed, narcissistic, authoritarian little prick. Or bitch.
You can call me old, ugly, or fat and I don't care. That's not the way to get my goat because I know it's not true (well, maybe not the ugly or fat part, and I'm proud to be 'old' because not all of my friends got to live to my age ;) ) and because even *I'm* not sure what's the best way to get my goat. I've worked a lot on being non-triggered by assholes in the last several years. It still happens, but I lose a lot fewer friends now :)
Misgender, deadname, and if it makes you feel better, call me the Old Fat Ugly Bastard With A Tiny Penis ;)
There is no such thing as “misgendering “! There is only truth, but these transies are a bunch of liars from beginning to end. They want to control the language to control us. They know that language confer powers just like all dictators know this. So they make up words, like “ misgendering “ “ transphobe” ( like we’re afraid of transies?”) “TERFS “ for women who speak truth, “cisgender “ for normal people as if trans are the majority. None of these words have any meaning whatsoever, but they’ve been able to push these words onto our language, again, it gives them power.
They even sell T-shirts and mugs, which say “ Trans People are SACRED ! “ and “Transphobia is a Sin “ So obviously, they think they are gods. Not even Black people, or Jewish people ( the Chosen People ) say anything nearly as narcissistic.
The fact that they have been so heavily buttressed by trans humanism is scary. We need to fight back to stop this attack on truth and un reality.
Why do you include Black people?
Because they don’t try to rule it over anybody else . Trans ideology makes a big deal about their victimhood . For the most part , Black people don’t go on an and about victimhood.
Fair enough. I get what you mean now.
Ugh, please don’t use their F’d-up language.