Apr 23Liked by Kitty Finesse

Great post. The argument that "trans women are women and thus should have access to women's protected spaces" falls apart the moment you realize no one, and I mean *no one*, not even the most radical activists, is pushing for trans men to be allowed into men's teams and men's locker rooms and men's prisons because "trans men are men". It doesn't take a genius to understand why, and to come to the conclusion that this isn't really about equal rights.

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Apr 23Liked by Kitty Finesse

Imagine you'd precisely predicted this twenty years ago. You'd have been written off as a bad satirist, or insane.

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Women's protected spaces also includes women's prison and jail spaces. If a man can get into those by pretending to be a women, how safe are they?

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Apr 25Liked by Kitty Finesse

Furthermore, it falls apart when you ask why, if there's no real difference between males and females when it comes to sports, we don't just end the concept of "men's" and "women's" sports altogether. The answer of course is these mediocre men who couldn't win men's competitions need women to beat (and to keep from getting scholarships).

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The closest I can think of is the rather pitiful swimmer, Schuyler Bailar.

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Yes if gender identity is self id , it is not substantive objective fact / You want males with their biological propensity for violence as compared to biological women ? They are abandoning biological women ; betrayal and it The Handmaids Tale ! The power of The Mother under Patriarchy's boot Forget a coesive society just stick to these fraudsters and international fascists and other tyrants will manipulate and kill off our so called Western democracies due to the corrupts running the joint

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The Title IX EO is compelled speech and the First Amendment knows exactly how to deal with that.

This will not survive a court challenge.

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Apr 23Liked by Kitty Finesse

I'm astonished that not even 70% of Americans oppose males who identify as women in women's sports. I wonder if the actual number of opponents is higher, but that many feel socially shamed or morally coerced into denying the evidence of their senses.

I've seen a pdf documenting something like 600 cases of males who identify as women triumphing in women's and girls' events. New cases seem to make the headlines every other week or so. Lacking, to my knowledge, are examples of females who identify as men winning men's or boys events. This is the disparity, I think, the gender critics should highlight every time the subject comes up. If you can take hormones to match the athletic capacities of the other sex, where are the transmen cycling, swimming, or mixed martial arts champions? Why aren't they as common as the transwomen champions? Why don't there seem to be any at all? If they exist, why not name them? If they could, it would help validate the activists' claims. But they never do.

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Apr 23Liked by Kitty Finesse

Thumbs up from a TERF. 👍

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What a great feminist and materialist analysis. As for the idealistic, postmodernist garbage which teaches that any cockamamie idea dreamed up by a properly credentialed person is reality, a pile of feces made into a Venus de Milo would smell just as foul as its more usual form.

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Kitty, I love your writing, your wit, your analysis. As an athlete committed to keeping female sports female (or, rather, making them female again, as they used to be), I can say you're spot on with your facts and reasoning. Glad you're on our team.

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thank you so much!! happy to have your support! ♥️

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Apr 24Liked by Kitty Finesse

This change in Title IX is reason enough for this lifelong Democrat to never vote for my party again. This is no longer the party of JFK, Scoop Jackson, Patrick Moynihan or Bill Clinton. Trans women (aka biological men) do not belong in women's sports because it would be an unfair competition, in women's restrooms and locker rooms because women are entitled to privacy from men and certainly not in women's prisons. Just like me because we are men.

This is clearly a new religion. Jesus rose from the dead.

A man can become a woman. Both are examples of a kind of magical thinking protected in the US by the First Amendment as is my belief as an atheist that they are religious nonsense.

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neo liberal careerist scammers - labels are meaningless - sex is real and gender is performative or a description of external characteristics not actual machinations of biology

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It amazes me that at this day and age we actually have to explain to people--like they're children, which I guess they are--what the difference is between boys and girls, and why you can't change that.

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Of course you can, silly wabbit… Democrats are very creative, don’t you know.…. ;)

They aren’t excluding women. They are just “including” men in the group. They heard that women were more likely to vote for Democrats so if they can get a big % of men to identify as women, they can win every election by pandering to women.

What’s amazing is that most of the women seem to be going along with it.

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When you are a kid ; buying flippers in the toy department they are big because big feet propel more volume with greater efficiency and with that incrementally more power.Life . Fact for the "everyman".. Women who birth naturally know about nature versus conceptual man imagined frameworks - The idea that by exulting theory over reality and altering the substantive biology and reality women face in society and in our very laws ; that women who are 51% and who do the bulk of free labour I might ad - are now betrayed by a Party who labels emselves progressive and inclusive ! It is their downfall but also the blind ideology which elites use to circumvent the truth of birth and most real womens' lives .. They betray us and the children for a careers built on their own blinding self deception

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The are 2 sexes - Cedaw called for the roghts of women based entirely on the fact as born females girls are used, raped , stopped and abused due to their SEX - irrelevant how one wishes or is told to Id - This is driven by big investment bucks and is coopting womens' power to be used by the big data modelling estate big healthcare and pharma and workplace logistics modelling and copting the power of Mothers and the family autoonmy and influence - Gender is a desciptor and can be performative - Sex is FACT

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I would like to congratulate Xiden for undoing a century of women's rights.

With the destruction of title IX, Women can never win a scholarship to a college or university in sports.

They'll be relegated to the house and kitchen again.

What's next, Xiden? Repeal of the right for women to vote?

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deletedApr 24Liked by Kitty Finesse
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yes thats right do a Petterson; blame the womens' reps who aided us in the freedoms for equity - to get from under a boot !

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